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Because there are two hulls, a catamaran will usually have more rooms and baths or heads when compared to a monohull of similar length. What’s more, a cat is more stable than its counterpart, again a natural result of having two hulls, which boaters in areas with stronger waves, or blue-water explorers, will appreciate.

It’s a difficult quality to quantify, but to achieve the status of ‘iconic’, whatever that thing is should have made an imprint on history, and be well loved by those who appreciate them. Of course, to make a mark on history also means that the vessel is from an older time, and much like classic cars, time is a necessary ingredient to increase appreciation.

The journey to your first boat, or even your next boat, is an exciting one, with a dash of confusion and a sprinkle of anxiety thrown into the mix. We’ve all been there. This can be a life-changing decision, so there’s a lot of information and factors to consider before deciding.

The art of watchmaking for seafarers goes back centuries. Breguet, for instance, first started making nautical watches almost two centuries ago for the Royal French Navy. The advent of the digital age has created equipment that are more precise and sturdy, but technology has yet to invent a timekeeper that is as romantic and desirable as a wristwatch.

You’re at the beginning of what may be a long journey of months. A good broker, specialising in buying and selling boats, will ease the pain. Additionally, a well-established, reputable one will give further peace of mind. You’ll find both at Pen Marine. Here’s what you can expect when you come to us.

Much more care is definitely warranted when the yacht belongs to a friend or family – think of it as being invited to their home, as opposed to staying at a hotel. And like all guests, how you behave will determine the frequency of your invitation! Luckily, being a great guest is not difficult, so here’s what you need to know.

The preowned page on our website is constantly updated with the latest yachts that turn up on the preowned market. This month, a good spread of yachts with differing talents and sizes have appeared for consideration, the most affordable of which starts at just RM300k.

The practice of sailing a boat is almost as old as the history of mankind. Despite its past importance, sailing is no longer needed for the transport of goods or people, and has been relegated – nay, elevated – into an activity for pleasure and sport. Even so, it is a captivating hobby that does have a small presence here, and there are bound to be sailing clubs in any local marina.

What’s the next best thing to taking a boat out? Watching boat videos on YouTube. Not really, but as most countries in the world yoyo between lockdowns and freedom, it is really the best we can do for now. The latest movement control order in Malaysia even restricts recreational fishing, and there are too many gray areas that makes pleasure boating just not quite so pleasurable.



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